UUTISET TOIMIALA Why do you get muscle cramps? Fitness trainers explain the science and solution


17th August 2020

Why do you get muscle cramps? Fitness trainers explain the science and solution

Don’t make us attempt to describe the sheer pain that is a muscle cramp. Whether you’ve had them in the middle of night, waking up at the awful sensation in your calf muscle, or in your workouts, wanting to scream when your hand cramps up while holding a barbell. 

Muscle cramps are a sudden and involuntary contraction of the muscles – and they hurt. If we could do something to avoid them all together we would. But before we do that, we need to work out why we are getting them in the first place. 

It turns out that the reasons for cramping up are wide and varied, but you’ll probably be able to recognise what is causing your personal pain from the advice we’ve got from the experts. Here, personal trainer from Energy House Fitness Zara Ozard and fitness trainer and Strong Women Collective member Emma Obayuvana explain everything you need to know about muscle cramps. 



“Muscle cramps and injuries can result from dehydration, overuse of your muscles while you’re exercising, and having my low levels of minerals like sodium, potassium and magnesium. You can also get it from low blood supply to the muscles, either through exercise or a lack of movement.” 


“We can get muscle cramps from holding the same position for a long period of time, which is why some people may get it when they’re asleep because the blood is not moving around the body as it should. Dehydration will also be a big factor because fluids help your muscles contract and relax and keep the muscle cells hydrated. 

When we sweat, we also lose essential electrolytes such as magnesium and potassium. If you’ve got a lack of or an imbalance of electrolytes, it means the signal sent from your brain to contract and relax a muscle can be inhibited, which leads to cramping.

Overworked muscles can also lead to an electrical misfiring of your own body’s nerve impulses, meaning fatigued muscles can cramp more. Carbohydrate intake can also make a difference: if you don’t have enough glycogen stores in the muscles, they’ll get tired more easily and therefore cramp.”



“Because the essential minerals that are associated with cramps are lost in sweat, you might find that a sweaty workout can trigger muscle cramps. Generally, overusing muscles or holding muscles in a static position can cause cramps too, which is what we do during exercise. So I wouldn’t say that exercise causes cramps, but I wouldn’t say it helps with it either. I would say it’s more about how you take care of your body in other ways.” 


“The benefits of exercise far outweigh the drawbacks. But if you’re not doing things like stretching, keeping hydrated and recovering enough then exercise can bring on the muscle cramps, particularly if it’s vigorous exercise. It doesn’t help, but it doesn’t hinder. It’s all about the preparation and starving off cramps before, during and after your workout.”



“Immediate relief can come from stopping what you’re doing, stretching and taking a few deep breaths to get oxygen into your body. Afterwards, it might help to add an ice pack or a heat pack to the area. But once you get them it’s too late, so it’s all about prevention. 

Number one is to hydrate well before you exercise. Also try not to exercise straight after eating. Leave it at least an hour, as digestion can trigger cramps. Make sure you’re warm before training too, as warm muscles are less likely to cramp. Make sure that your levels of sodium, potassium and magnesium are up, too. I take magnesium every day and I have noticed that I get less cramps since doing so. Because the mineral helps with muscle recovery it can help to prevent cramps.”


“Stretching, definitely, before and after your training and even during if you feel you need to. Recovery in general will help, whether that’s a massage, foam rolling or jumping in an ice bath. 

Keeping hydrated is also so important, as is keeping electrolytes topped up. An easy way of doing that is with an energy drink, but I don’t particularly like those so I opt for something like a coconut water that is full of minerals.”

Source: Stylist